
Mental Health North West CIC Ltd is a not-for-profit social enterprise registered in England, registration number 13172068. Wellness Walks is a registered trademark and is the name under which our free for participant walks, talks and events are promoted to the general public. For the purposes of all documents and policies the terms the following names refer to our organisation:

  • Mental Health North West CIC Ltd.
  • MHNW
  • Wellness Walks

Mental Health North West CIC Ltd. is a not-for-profit social enterprise.

Company Reg No: 13172068

Registered Office: Curlew Close, Orton, Cumbria, CA103RF


MHNW does not work with children. On the rare occasions when we might they will be in the care of appropriate adults (parent, designated care-giver). This policy is specifically intended to address our work with adults.

Policy Statement:

MHNW recognises that the term “vulnerable” can be contentious and we do not believe in labelling individuals. We believe that everyone that our organisation or its operatives engage with has the right to be safe and free from harm or the risk of harm. We acknowledge that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and that we have a real and significant role in that responsibility. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of individuals – and in particular protecting them from significant harm – depends upon effective working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise.

The safety and wellbeing of those we are engaged with is always our primary concern.


MHNW understand that those that engage with us have a right to expect confidentiality and safety – however there may be (very rare) occasions when we need to breach that confidentiality:

  • If we believe that you or someone close to you is at real risk of serious harm.

If that happens we will only do so having told you why and who we are informing and we will only do it with your safety and care being paramount.

MHNW understands that the activities we do, the engagement with nature, the trust building and the development of personal capacities are all factors which increase the potential likelihood of disclosure – all of our staff are trained accordingly.


  • MHNW works with individuals who may be vulnerable to harm. In doing so MHNW takes seriously the welfare of all who are involved in its activities.
  • MHNW aims to ensure that they are safe, knowing it is a caring environment with a happy and friendly atmosphere.
  • MHNW recognises that it is the responsibility of each one of its staff, paid and unpaid, to prevent the neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse of individuals and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.
  • MHNW recognises the organisation has a responsibility to implement, maintain and regularly review procedures, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse. As such MHNW is committed to supporting, resourcing and training those who work for the organisation.
  • MHNW is committed to maintaining good links with the statutory social services authorities.
  • This policy applies to both those in our care as participants and those we (may) employ or who volunteer with us.
  • All staff and/or volunteers who work for MHNW are required to attend a Level 2 MHNW safeguarding training as part of their initial training. This training is renewed a minimum of every three years.

Definitions of abuse and neglect:

Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment. Somebody may abuse or neglect an individual by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Individuals may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. Neither abuser or victim cannot be defined by any characteristics.

  • Physical abuse – may involve hitting, shaking, burning, scalding or any other abusive act – it can also occur when someone fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in an individual.
  • Emotional abuse – is the persistent emotional maltreatment of someone which causes severe or detrimental effects to their wellbeing. It may involve telling them they are unloved, inadequate or incapable. It may also involve seeing or being forced to participate in the maltreatment of another.
  • Sexual Abuse – is any sexual activity with a minor or any form of non-consensual relations.
  • Neglect is the persistent failure to meet an individual’s physical or psychological needs.

What to do if you have a concern:

Do not promise confidentiality – you have a duty to share this information with MHNW’s safeguarding lead.

  • Listen to what is said without showing shock, disbelief or anger.
  • Accept what is said at face value.
  • Reassure the individual that their safety is paramount.
  • Do not interrogate the individual – that is not your role.
  • Explain what you will do next.
  • Write up notes as soon as possible so they are as accurate to the individuals words & pass to Safeguarding Lead.

MHNW Lead:

The individuals responsible for Safeguarding within MHNW are K. James (Director) & D. Reid (Director). They can be contacted on safeguarding@mentalhealthnorthwest.co.uk.

Date & Review:

This policy is effective from March 1st 2023. MHNW will review this policy annually (next review; 1st quarter 2024) and specifically if our practices or offering alters or if there are revisions to applicable law.